Phase 2

This is the reintroduction of foods that assist you in a new lifestyle routine, in a controlled manner.  This will happen under our guidance, combined with expert re-education on how your body reacts to certain foods while maintaining normal/healthy levels of Insulin secretion that are achieved during Phase1 that in turn helps one to understand safe foods and quantities to avoid obesity related diseases.

What more could you ask for in life? We will help and guide you all the way throughout the entire 3 Phase Weight Management System. We will get you to a healthy new you and give you the support and guidance you need to lead a healthier lifestyle and work on behavioral modification that will set you free from diseases that would have otherwise left you at the mercy of western medicine and Doctors fees. This, can especially affect those when coming into middle age and later life if not addressed asap.

You can have your cake and eat it! You will learn how in Phase3. Everything will be so much easier for you because we assist you on how to go about your working day and all your other routines without the struggle of being overweight, out of breath and unhealthy – you will have more energy than you have had for years and feel confident within yourself once again.