Phase 3

This is the study of the latest techniques from the last 30 years in behavioural modification from Europe and America that we use in conjunction with our patients to achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

We have been utilising behavioural modification methods using up to date research and techniques to help you achieve your lifestyle changes. We also use many other techniques that have proven to be the most successful for keeping lost body fat off long term.

QUOTE – Utilising aNutritionally Complete TFR that is combined with behavioural modification, re-education, and long term support are proven to be the best way of keeping your weight off for LIFE! Professor John Marks: King’s College Hospital Ph.D. MA, FRIC.

After completing phase 1/2 and 3 you will be ready to live a full and healthy life – so long as you adopt a certain eating pattern/lifestyle and follow Phase 3 for as long as you need to in order to learn and understand more about what it takes to be healthy LONG TERM!